Frequently Asked Questions

What facilities do you have?

We have a 5 x 3 metre heated hydrotherapy pool with showering, shampooing and drying facilities. We also stock several products including Bugalugs Shampoos, Skinners Dog Food & Treats and BooDoggo Drying Robes.

Why do I need a veterinary consent form?

All dogs will require a veterinary surgeon to confirm they are fit and well enough for hydrotherapy, even if they don't have any medical conditions. Some vets may refer your dog for hydrotherapy following surgery or for a particular condition; however, you as the owner are free to choose a hydrotherapy centre for yourself.

A registered canine hydrotherapist should never swim your dog without veterinary consent.

Please download and complete our veterinary consent form.

Will my dog be alone in the pool/can I stay with them?

A hydrotherapist will always be in the pool with your dog.

We prefer owners to stay with their dog during sessions as they will look to you for feedback/encouragement. There is a purpose-built viewing area for owners in the hydrotherapy room. We do not allow owners into the water for health and safety purposes.

Will the chemicals in the pool affect my dog's skin or coat?

We use chlorine as a disinfectant in our pool which is tested 3 times a day with a photometer (not an inaccurate test strip!).

Your dog will always receive a warm shampoo shower and dry after their session to help remove any chemical residue.

Can I bring a bitch in season?

Unfortunately, no. It isn't fair on other dogs, especially males, that will also be using the pool.

Should I feed or exercise my dog before their session?


Please do not feed your dog 2-3 hours before a session. Hydrotherapy can be an intense exercise and we want to avoid any cases of bloat/GDV.

Your dog does not require exercising before they come to their session as they will be swimming. Please ensure they have had a wee and a poo before coming to their session. We charge a £100 fouling fee if your dog defecates in the pool.

Do I need to bring towels?

Although we provide towels and drying machines; we recommend you bring a towel of your own. This is because it will provide a familiar scent and will help calm your dog in this new environment.

You could also bring a blanket as we will only use this in reception (not the hydrotherapy room).

What should I expect at my first session?

After arrival you will head into reception to be greeted by our receptionist. They will check we have a signed veterinary consent form and begin with our background questionnaire.

The hydrotherapist will then conduct a full health check and gait assessment whilst gaining trust and confidence using therapeutic handling techniques and enrichment techniques.

Following this, you will be taken across to the hydrotherapy room for your dog to have a pre-swim shower to remove any debris and begin to warm up the muscles. A buoyancy jacket will be fitted until the therapist is confident they can manage in a harness.

Your dog will be introduced to the pool gradually. Your dog may only swim for a few minutes on their first session as they get familiar with the environment.Other proprioceptive treatments may be implemented in the pool. A post-swim shower and dry will then be completed in our custom-built shower room.

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